You are here: 3. Creditors Ledger > 3.4. CREDITOR TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 3.4.10. Creditor Transactions - Import Creditors From MDS

Creditor Transactions - Import Creditors From MDS

Where stock creditors' invoices have been entered in the MDS Goods Received program, you use this option to import the invoices from MDS into MCL.


Technical Tip

You can also import creditors from MDS as part of normal End of Day processing (refer to "End of Period - End of Day").


Micronet displays the Creditors Transaction - Import screen.

  1. Select FILE | NEW.

Micronet displays the Add New Batch screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Batch Id

Enter a unique batch number.



Enter a meaningful description for the batch.

  1. Select Accept.

Micronet creates a new batch and displays the Creditors Transaction - Import screen.

  1. Select the Import button.

Micronet displays the Import Creditors from MDS screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Enter Starting / Ending Date

To include a specific date range in the report, enter or select the starting and ending dates of the MDS invoice transactions to import.


Enter Starting / Ending Aging

To include specific period numbers in the report, enter the starting period number and ending period number of the MDS invoice transactions to import.


Enter Starting / Ending GL Period

To include specific GL periods in the report, select the starting GL period and ending GL period of the MDS invoice transactions to import.


Calculate Aging from Date

Check this box if you want Micronet to calculate the ageing of the creditors' invoices being imported based on the date of the MDS Costed Goods Receipt.


Set Aging to Current

Check this box if you want Micronet to calculate the ageing of the creditors' invoices being imported as current, irrespective of the date of the MDS Costed Goods Receipt.


Calculate Aging from GL Period

Check this box if you want Micronet to use the GL period number from MCL to calculate the ageing of the creditors' invoice being imported.

You should only select this option when the period number of the MDS invoices does not correspond to the current MCL period number.



Technical Tip

You should enter values in only one of the first three pairs of fields. Alternatively, you can leave these fields blank to import all transactions.

  1. Select Ok to import the selected transactions.

Micronet updates the batch and displays the Creditors Transaction - Import screen.

Note that after importing, the batch total displays the total value of invoices imported.

  1. Select FILE | PRINT.

Micronet prints (and posts) the selected batch.

Batches are usually printed at the end of each month. The batch is deleted after printing; an audit report is produced and should be retained.


Best Practice

The Creditors Transaction screen should be cleared completely before Creditors End of Month is performed (refer to "End of Period - End of Month".